Caring for and Cleaning your Braces

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Your braces represent a significant investment in resolving alignment issues and providing you with an appealing smile. Even though your braces are designed for durability, they can still be damaged by certain activities, foods and lifestyle choices. If your braces are damaged it can increase the amount of time you have to wear them.

Sticky foods and chewing gum tends to get stuck in your braces. This can bend wires, loosen bands or even cause the resin adhesive holding your brackets to come loose. Crunchy foods and hard candy as well as chewing on hard objects like things like pencils, pens and ice can also break wires and brackets.

If something does come loose, you can secure it inside a piece of orthodontic wax to keep it from injuring your cheek or gums.

Some people complain that braces are hard to clean. Water jets, interdental brushes and floss threaders, are popular tools for removing food particles and cleaning plaque from hardware and your teeth.

If you participate in contact sports you should talk to your dentist about being fitted for a custom mouth guard. These pieces can help protect your mouth and braces from the potential damage that can be caused by a blow to the face.

If you have questions or you are due for your next adjustment, please feel free to call us at 209-575-5888 to schedule your next appointment.