How to Care for Your Smile When Straightening Your Teeth

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At Champion Orthodontics, Dr. Joti Kaler and our experienced team have been providing comprehensive orthodontics for our patients in Modesto, California, for a long time. Today we would like to talk a little bit about how to care for your smile when you are wearing braces.


When you are straightening your teeth it’s important not to neglect your smile health. This is because brackets and wires can trap food particles and harbor bacteria which lead to tooth decay and gum disease. We advise brushing your teeth every time you eat, including meals and snacks, instead of just twice a day. You can use a manual toothbrush or an electric/battery powered toothbrush, whichever works best for you. Be sure to use a soft-bristled brush, and carefully clean each tooth around the brackets and gumline. Start with the gumline, then brush up and down around each bracket. Rinse thoroughly to make sure all oral debris is removed.


One you have thoroughly cleaned your teeth as much as your toothbrush can, it’s time to floss those pearly whites! Target the areas between the teeth as well as the tooth surfaces underneath the wires. Find a flossing method that works best for you, and use it. We recommend flossing once a day, at the very least. You can use waxed dental floss, a threaded floss, an oral irrigator, an interdental brush or an orthodontic floss which is specifically designed to clean around brackets and wires.

But suppose you are eating out and you don’t have access to a toothbrush? You can still remove food particles and debris after eating by rinsing well with water or mouthwash. Follow up with a thorough tooth brushing as soon as you can.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Joti Kaler in Modesto, California, please give us a call at 209-575-5888 today. Our Champion Orthodontics team looks forward to helping you maintain your healthy, beautiful smile!