Invisalign® Can Help Adults with Minor Alignment Issues

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As time goes by, the alignment of the teeth your smile can be altered. In many cases, the alignment issues are too minor to need braces. For adults with minor alignment issues, your orthodontist, Dr. Joti Kaler, often recommends Invisalign®.

Your orthodontist can fit you for Invisalign in a single appointment. They will start by examining your mouth and taking a few X-rays to make sure your teeth are healthy. This also helps define your alignment goals and create a treatment plan just for you.

Then, she will take an impression of your teeth. This will be sent to the Invisalign laboratory where a series of aligner trays will be made to custom match your teeth.

You will need to wear the aligners for at least 20 hours each day to effectively realign your smile. Every specific set of aligners is designed to gradually stretch the periodontal ligaments that are anchoring your teeth, repositioning them a little bit closer to your ideal smile.

Every two weeks you will switch to another set of aligners that are tuned a little closer to your alignment goals. The number of aligners needed will vary. Most people meet their alignment goals in the same amount of time it would take braces to align the smile.

Even though you can drink normally with the aligners in your mouth, you will still need to remove them before eating. You should never smoke or chew gum while the aligners are in your mouth as this could potentially damage the aligners. Be sure to keep the clear, plastic aligners in the case provided when you’re not wearing them.

If you have minor alignment issues in your smile, you should call Champion Orthodontics at 209-575-5888 to ask about Invisalign in Modesto, California.